As part of Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust’s membership with the Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, we are going to be attending the next Portland Greendrinks event on October 14th! We are very excited to have the opportunity to take part in this, and even more excited about the setting on Peaks Island. If you didn’t know already – the goal of Greendrinks is pretty simple: good times shared among people working in, or interested in, environmental and sustainability issues. That’s us and that’s you.
The way it works is this: 1) buy your ticket here; 2) show up at the Casco Bay Lines ferry terminal at 5:15pm, 5:35pm or 6pm with your own beer cup/mug/tankard; 3) have a good time, network and enjoy a beer or two from brewers like Peak Organic, Sebago, Allagash and Rising Tide at the Peaks Island Lions Club.
This is a great opportunity to meet some very fun, very cool people in a great setting. And you can learn more about all of the land trust who work with the Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative.