
As a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust relies upon the support of foundations, corporations and individuals like you.

Donate Online

Donate Here

Make your gift today!  Donations can be made in any amount on a one-time or recurring basis

Donate by Mail

To donate by mail, please send your check to:

Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust
P.O. Box 761
Portland, ME 04104

Please include your name, address and email address if you wish to be added to our mailing list.

Gifts of Stock

Want to make your charitable donations go farther?  Talk to your tax advisor about gifting stock rather than cash.  IRS rules allow you to give long term appreciated securities and benefit from a charitable deduction equal to the fair market value without ever having to pay tax on the appreciation!  Read more in this Forbes article on Gifting Appreciated Securities and contact us.