Before trail clearing and after
Thanks to the efforts to Maine Appalachian Trail Club, some volunteers from Camp Tekawitha and Dave Field, the Berry Pickers’ Trail will be ready to be opened for our Great Maine Outdoor Weekend hike on September 17th. Dave blazed the trail with the A.T.’s trademark blue paint for official Appalachian Trail side trails and numerous crews worked to clear the brush from the footpath. Maine A.T. Land Trust Executive Director picked up the slack by pulling off the flagging from the trees:

For the GMOW event on September 17th, we will be bringing in a post to put in the ground at the trailhead, and Dave Field will be bringing trail signs to post there and at the junction with the Appalachian Trail between Saddleback Mountain and The Horn. On the hike, Dave will be happy to answer any questions about his work, the Berry Pickers’ Trail or the A.T. in this section which Dave has been involved with since 1956. (Note – for those of you hoping to use this hike to ascend The Horn or Saddleback proper, we will not be going further than the junction this time.) If you want to join us for the opening of this spectacular trail, with some of the best views in the state for nearly the whole length, please RSVP at the link above or contact us at or 207-808-2073.