Appalachian Trail Partners’ Hike 2016

Bemis Mountain with Elephant Mountain in the rear.
Mooselookmeguntic Lake.
Lester Kenway, President of Maine Appalachian Trail Club, pointing out trail features on Bemis Mountain.

Maine A.T. Land Trust Executive Director Simon Rucker was lucky enough to attend this year’s A.T. Partners’ hike, which is an annual event hosted by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club.  It’s a good opportunity to connect with A.T. organizations in a great environment, i.e. outside on in Maine on a fall day at Height of Land on Route 17.  And though it was a brisk 37 degrees at the start of the hike and the wind made it feel like January, once we entered the woods and proceeded on the hike to Moxie Pond, the sun warmed us nicely.  Lester Kenway, President of MATC, and Dave Field, former President, remarked on the history of the trail in the section south of Rangeley, and the history of trail improvements.  It was a working hike but with the great scenery, it was worth the trip out.