#WEOUTSIDE with the Portland Water District

Obligatory swim

For our latest #WEOUTSIDE trip, our joint MANA and MATLT expedition headed up to Sebago Lake to check out the lands the Portland Water District owns. Not many people know that the PWD owns and manages land around Sebago in order to protect the water quality for the drinking water for 16% of the population of Maine. For much of this land protection PWD works through Sebago Clean Waters – forests act as a filter for runoff into the lake, but these forests are also a great place for recreation of all kinds.

We met at the PWD office to learn first about getting onto the land. Permits are required for use and this is strictly enforced, which we found out about when we forgot to put one of ours on the dashboard of the MANA van! If you intend to visit, make sure you fill out the permit at the kiosk in the photos. Our guide for the day, Amanda Pratt from PWD, led us on the network of trails and we learned about different aspects of the Sebago system – both the natural involving the forests, wetlands, streams and ponds, but also the infrastructure that delivers this amazingly clean water to our homes.

Of course, we couldn’t not swim on a #WEOUTSIDE trip so after the hike we headed over to a beach that is just outside the “no contact” area where public access is not permitted so water quality can be maintained.

Special thanks to Paul Hunt and Amanda Pratt from PWD for making this happen!