The Appalachian Trail in Maine is located entirely within the traditional territory of the Wabanaki Confederacy. Please click here to read more. Please click here to donate to the Wabanaki Alliance.

About the Community Hikes Program

The Maine A.T. Land Trust’s Community Hikes program provides free guided hiking trips to the general public from May to October and then from January to March. There are typically two to three hikes per month (depending on weather) and trips are guided by trained trip leaders. The program has been enormously successful at bringing individuals to the A.T. landscape but they can fill up quickly! The limit for participants is usually 5-8 individuals. If a hike you would like to attend is currently filled up, please email us at to get on the waiting list. Summer hikes will be listed in May, winter hikes will be listed in December, so check back if you don’t see any!


Fall 2024 Update

We typically have 3-4 hikes in the fall season but due to some trip leader travel and downtime, we will probably be offering fewer this fall. But please continue to check back and sign up for the MATLT newsletter to make sure you know when new hikes are posted!

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Baldpates Hike

Grafton Notch State Park H3Q3+W8 Newry, Maine

Our next Community Hike will be up East and West Baldpate on July 1st!  These two peaks mark the east side of Grafton Notch State Park, with the East Peak being higher (3,882 feet).  We will go for both peaks from the Grafton Notch parking lot on Route 26.  Total round trip distance will be …


White Cap Mountain

White Brook Trail GPWQ+V6 Ebeemee Township, Maine

Our next Community Hike will be up White Cap Mountain on Sunday, July 30th!  We will be ascending the White Brook Trail on MATLT lands and then taking the A.T. at the junction. This hike will be an up-and-back route that is about 6.6 miles. It is a strenuous hike, but is relatively short for …


Horns Pond Hike

Fire Warden Trail XP8Q+PW Strong, Maine, ME

*********LAST MINUTE CHANGE************** Due to poor road conditions to the Mount Abraham Fire Warden Trail, this hike is being switched to a Horns Pond hike! It's an up and back hike of 3.4 miles each way. You must RSVP for this hike by entering your info below!   You can also email us at or call …


Goose Eye Mountain Hike

Wright Trail G397+CP, Newry, ME, United States

Our latest Community Hike will be up 3,862-foot Goose Eye Mountain in Grafton Notch on Saturday, August 19th at 9am!  For many years this mountain was only accessible for a day hike by heading over to New Hampshire at Success Pond Road.  The Wright Trail, an official Appalachian Trail side trail, was constructed to provide …


Cranberry Peak Hike

Curry Road Curry Road, Stratton, Maine

Our next Community Hike will be up Cranberry Peak (3,214 feet) in the Bigelow Range via the Bigelow Range Trail on September 9th!  We will meet in the trailhead parking area at the end of Currie Street (sometimes spelled “Curry”) in Stratton at 10am.  This will be an up-and-back hike up the Bigelow Range Trail, with …


Puzzle Mountain Hike

Puzzle Mountain Trailhead 1000 Bear River Road, Newry, ME, United States

Our first Community Hike of the winter 2024 hiking season will be up Puzzle Mountain on Saturday, January 6th!  We will meet at 8:30am at the trailhead which is at the Grafton Loop parking lot.  The distance from the parking area to the summit is 3.6 miles for an up-and-back distance of 7.2 miles.  This …


Little Bigelow Hike

Little Bigelow Trailhead 4RMH+WF, ME, United States

Our next MATLT Community Hike will take place on Saturday, January 27th at 9am – we will be tackling Little Bigelow, the long, lower peak at the east end of the Bigelow Range.  This hike is approximately 6.2 miles in length and should take at least 6 hours start to finish.  It features spectacular views of …


Four Ponds Hike

Height of Land R7QQ+9V Roxbury, Maine, ME, United States

Our next MATLT Community Hike will be held on Saturday, February 3rd at 9am to Four Ponds/Spruce Mountain.  This 2,530-foot summit is very close to the famous Height of Land overlook, which is where we will meet at 9am on the opposite side of the road from the parking area (details will be provided in the organizer’s email).  We …


Perham Stream Birding Trail Hike

Perham Stream Birding Trail 553 E. Madrid Road, Madrid, ME, United States

Our next winter Community Hike will be to the Perham Stream Birding Trail on Saturday, February 17th with a meetup time of 10am. The PSBT is a property of High Peaks Alliance and is an easy snowshoe/cross country ski hike in the heart of Maine's High Peaks, with views of the surrounding mountains and forests. The …


Caribou Mountain Hike

Caribou Mountain 436 Bog Road, Unorganized Territory of South Oxford, ME, United States

Cancelled due to poor trail conditions, lack of snow and warm weather!
