The Appalachian Trail in Maine is located entirely within the traditional territory of the Wabanaki Confederacy. Please click here to read more. Please click here to donate to the Wabanaki Alliance.

About the Community Hikes Program

The Maine A.T. Land Trust’s Community Hikes program provides free guided hiking trips to the general public from May to October and then from January to March. There are typically two to three hikes per month (depending on weather) and trips are guided by trained trip leaders. The program has been enormously successful at bringing individuals to the A.T. landscape but they can fill up quickly! The limit for participants is usually 5-8 individuals. If a hike you would like to attend is currently filled up, please email us at to get on the waiting list. Summer hikes will be listed in May, winter hikes will be listed in December, so check back if you don’t see any!


Fall 2024 Update

We typically have 3-4 hikes in the fall season but due to some trip leader travel and downtime, we will probably be offering fewer this fall. But please continue to check back and sign up for the MATLT newsletter to make sure you know when new hikes are posted!

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Sugarloaf Mountain Hike

Caribou Pond Road Caribou Pond Road, Carrabassett Valley , ME, United States

Sugarloaf hike is cancelled!  Not enough interest for this one.   ?

Berry Pickers Trail to Saddleback and The Horn via the A.T.

Berry Pickers' Trail Madrid Township, ME, United States

Our upcoming Next Century hike on the A.T. will be up the Berry Pickers Trail to The Horn and Saddleback Mountain on Saturday, July 29th.  We will meet at 9am at Edmund's Market on Route 4 in Phillips and convoy to the trailhead together from there. An exact description of the route can be found …


Maine Appalachian Trail Conference

Colby College 4000 Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME, United States

  Dates: August 4 to 11, 2017 Location: Colby College, Waterville, Maine  Event Overview:  The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) holds a conference every two years at different locations in the Eastern US. This week-long event includes over 240 hikes, numerous workshops, and excursions to local areas of interest. The conference will also include ATC’s 41st …

Mount Abraham Appalachian Trail Conservancy Maine 2017 Hike

Fire Warden Trail XP8Q+PW Strong, Maine, ME

  We'll be leading a group of attendees up Mount Abraham via the Fire Warden Trail.  To join this hike, please register for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Maine 2017 Conference!

West Peak – Bigelow Range Hike

Stratton Brook Pond Road Stratton Brook Pond Road, Kingfield, ME, United States

The forthcoming land trust Next Century hike will be up the Bigelow Range to Avery Peak via the Fire Warden's Trail on August 26.  This is the quickest route from the south to the highest point in the Bigelow Range.  The total distance is 10 miles (five up and five back) and this is a …


Puzzle Mountain Hike

Puzzle Mountain Trailhead 1000 Bear River Road, Newry, ME, United States

Our first September Next Century Hikes trip will be up Puzzle Mountain on September 2nd!  We will meet at 9:30am at the trailhead (shown on the map below) which is at the Grafton Loop parking lot.  The distance from the parking area to the summit is 3.6 miles and should take approximately 3 hours.  So, total …


Conservation in the Hundred Mile Wilderness and Moosehead Region

Monson Community Center N. Main Street, Monson, ME, United States

Karin Tilberg, Deputy Executive Director of the Forest Society of Maine, and Simon Rucker, Executive Director of the Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust, will talk about the amazing array of conservation lands in the greater Moosehead Lake and Hundred Mile Wilderness Regions. Projects discussed will include: the Gulf Hagas/Whitecap/Pleasant River Initiative, which was completed at …

Old Blue Mountain

The next Maine A.T. Land Trust hike will be up Old Blue Mountain (3,600 feet) from South Arm Road in Roxbury on September 23rd at 10am.  To reach the trailhead in Black Brook Notch, drive east on Route 120 out of Andover, and then take a left on South Arm Road approximately a half mile outside …


Cranberry Peak Hike

Our upcoming Next Century Hike will be up Cranberry Peak (3,214 feet) in the Bigelow Range via the Bigelow Range Trail.  We will meet in the trailhead parking area at the end of Currie Street (sometimes spelled “Curry”) in Stratton at 9:30am on Saturday, October 14th.  This will be an up-and-back hike up the Bigelow Range …
