The Appalachian Trail in Maine is located entirely within the traditional territory of the Wabanaki Confederacy. Please click here to read more. Please click here to donate to the Wabanaki Alliance.

About the Community Hikes Program

The Maine A.T. Land Trust’s Community Hikes program provides free guided hiking trips to the general public from May to October and then from January to March. There are typically two to three hikes per month (depending on weather) and trips are guided by trained trip leaders. The program has been enormously successful at bringing individuals to the A.T. landscape but they can fill up quickly! The limit for participants is usually 5-8 individuals. If a hike you would like to attend is currently filled up, please email us at to get on the waiting list. Summer hikes will be listed in May, winter hikes will be listed in December, so check back if you don’t see any!


Fall 2024 Update

We typically have 3-4 hikes in the fall season but due to some trip leader travel and downtime, we will probably be offering fewer this fall. But please continue to check back and sign up for the MATLT newsletter to make sure you know when new hikes are posted!

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Maine Appalachian Trail Club Spring Meeting

Pettengill Hall, Bates College 4 Andrews Road, Lewiston, ME, United States

With warmer weather right around the corner, the Maine Appalachian Trail Club welcomes its members and the general public to its annual spring meeting, taking place Saturday, April 8 at Bates College in Lewiston. Kicking off the 2017 trail season, the meeting will feature updates on Appalachian Trail news and interactive workshops on a range …

Toad&Co Warehouse Sale

Swallowtail Farm 84 Cove Street, Portland, ME, United States

The Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust will have a table set up at the Toad&Co Warehouse Sale on April 30th at Swallowtail Farm, 84 Cove Street in Portland, from 10am at 2pm.  Come by and say hello!  And if you buy something, remember that the four non-profits Toad&Co are sponsoring will be receiving 2% of the …

Four Ponds Hike – CANCELLED

Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust’s first hike of the 2017 non-snow season will be to Four Ponds/Spruce Mountain on Mother's Day. The 2,530-foot summit is very close to the famous Height of Land overlook, which is where we will meet at 10am in the parking area. We can proceed to the summit of Spruce Mountain …

Portland Sustainability Series: Appalachian Trail Maine: Next Century

Portland Public Library 5 Monument Way, Portland, ME, United States

Portland’s Sustainability Series: Leading conversations on Maine’s changing climate Sustainability (from sustain and ability) is the endurance of systems and processes through time. The Portland Sustainability Series will present a diversity of speakers to share different aspects of the work moving Maine to greater endurance and sustainability. Please join the Portland Public Library and the Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative …

Arnold Expedition Appalachian Trail Hike

Great Carrying Place Carry Pond Road, Bingham, ME, United States

The Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust is pleased to offer a hike on June 3rd on the original route of the Arnold Expedition to Quebec in 1775 as part of the American Revolution.  The expedition followed the Great Carrying Place Portage Trail from the Kennebec River at Bingham west to what was then the Dead …


CANCELLED Crocker and South Crocker Mountain Hike

Caribou Pond Road Caribou Pond Road, Carrabassett Valley , ME, United States

This Saturday's Next Century Hike will be up the Crockers in Maine's High Peaks, via the Appalachian Trail from Caribou Valley Road.  Crocker Mountain's two 4000-foot peaks are the 4th and 11th highest mountains in Maine, We are planning to spot one or more cars at the A.T. crossing of Route 27 where it leads …

East and West Baldpates Hike

Grafton Notch State Park H3Q3+W8 Newry, Maine

Our Father's Day Next Century Hike will be up East and West Baldpate on June 18th.  These two peaks mark the east side of Grafton Notch State Park, with the East Peak being higher (3,882 feet).  We will go for both peaks from the Grafton Notch parking lot on Route 26.  Total round trip distance …


Puzzle Mountain Hike with Ladies Adventure Club

Puzzle Mountain Trailhead 1000 Bear River Road, Newry, ME, United States

  We'll be taking the Ladies Adventure Club (not shown here...) up Puzzle Mountain.  You can come by joining the club here or you sign up for our Puzzle Mountain hike on September 2nd!

Old Speck Hike

Grafton Notch State Park H3Q3+W8 Newry, Maine

  The latest Next Century Hike will be up Old Speck in Grafton Notch!  This challenging yet awesome hike will run via the Appalachian Trail for a total roundtrip hike of 7.6 miles.  The summit elevation is 4,170 feet – the fifth highest summit in Maine and the highest in the Mahoosucs/Grafton Notch area. The …
