Author: Admin

2016 Maine A.T. Land Trust Hikes Calendar

Heading up the last leg.

So we can all plan our summers more efficiently, without further ado, here is our schedule for the 2016 hiking season!

Spruce Mountain – May 15

Old Blue Mountain – June 11

Sugarloaf and Spaulding Mountains – June 25

Puzzle Mountain – July 9

Goose Eye Mountain – July 30

National Park Service 100th Anniversary Hike (TBD) – August 25 or weekend directly after

Saddleback Mountain via Berry Pickers’ Trail – September 18

Pleasant Pond Mountain – September 25

White Cap Mountain – October 8

These day trips are part of our Maine Hikes program to get people out on, and interested in, the Appalachian Trail landscape in Maine.  All of the hikes are led by staff or trained volunteers and there is no cost.

These dates are subject to change, but we plan to adhere to them as much as possible.  It is likely that we will be squeezing more hikes in between these dates, too.  As we get closer in time to each hike, there will be an extensive post with information about time, trails and terrain.  We will also be populating our events calendar on our website shortly so you can access the information and share with your own calendar.

We look forward to seeing you all!

A.T. Hike 100


Join the Appalachian National Scenic Trail as we celebrate the centennial of the National Park Service all year long! In honor of the 100th birthday we invite everyone to get outside and hike 100 miles on the Appalachian Trail during the year 2016.

Pro Tip: Not all 100 miles have to be on the Appalachian Trail!

The Challenge

Whether you are novice or professional – get ready to hike! The A.T. Hike100 Challenge invites everyone, regardless of skill level, to complete 100 miles of hiking – with at least one hike being on the Appalachian Trail. Hike solo or in a group; make a trip out of it or take it one mile at a time. However you choose to complete your 100 mile challenge, just get outside and have fun!

Those who complete the 100 mile challenge by the end of December 31, 2016 will be eligible to receive an awesome limited edition A.T. Hike100 decal sticker.

For more information head over to the NPS A.T. Hike 100 website.

Crockers and Redington Hike Cancelled

Unfortunately, due to trail conditions and the weather, we are going to have to cancel this hike which was originally planned for April 17th.  The road conditions getting to the trailhead are VERY poor at this time and due to the freeze thaw cycle, we would like to keep the impact on the subalpine vegetation common in the area to a minimum.

Our full roster of hikes for the spring, summer and fall should be posted shortly – this hike will be among them!  In the meantime, head out on the A.T. this weekend with AMC for in the same area.

A.T. Hike near Oberton Stream

The Appalachian Mountain Club will be having a hike of about two miles in the Orbeton Stream area of the A.T.  Here’s the info:

AT Hike near Oberton Stream

Date: Sunday, April 17

Low elevation hike (all under 2,300′ so low snow risk) with great scenery on a remote section of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.). This two mile section of the A.T. is truly a “Walk in the Woods” crossing the Redington Public Reserve Land Unit and the US Navy SERE property, through mixed hardwoods, spruce/fir to old cedars. The Sluice brook waterfall should have plenty of water flow. Orbeton canyon and lumbering history are other highlights of this hike. The easy terrain and relatively short hiking distance make this walk a good start of the season hike for experienced hikers as well as beginners. Elevation gain of about 750′ but with easy grades. If you are looking to find an easy section of the A.T. in Maine, there are not many – but this is one. Due to vehicle logistics, this is a difficult hike to accomplish on your own. We will carpool and spot cars to avoid an up-and-back hike. Group is limited to 15. People with high-clearance vehicles (i.e. Subaru Outback – 4WD not needed) will have a priority.

HikingActivity Categories: Hiking
Location: AT near Oberton Stream
Region: Maine, Western
Leader: Peter Roderick 207-293-2704 (before 9pm)
Co-Leader: Tony Barrett 207-833-0939 (Before 9PM)
Registrar: Tony Barrett 207-833-0939 (Before 9PM)
Trip Difficulty: Moderate

This is an excellent alternative to our Crockers – Redington hike on the same day!

Crockers and Redington Hike

The next Maine A.T. Land Trust hike will be on Sunday, April 17th.  The destination will  be the Crockers and Mount Redington from Caribou Valley Road.  The route we will take will follow the Appalachian Trail from CVR to South Crocker, then (North) Crocker, and then back over South Crocker to the herd path over to Mount Redington.  From there, we can either back track or take another herd path from Redington down to CVR.

This is will be a very strenuous hike and the itinerary will depend on trail conditions.  You must be in good physical shape and have experience hiking 4,000-foot mountains in New England.  We have had an early spring this year but many areas on the A.T. in Maine have continued to receive snowfall in the past few weeks (there are reports of this area receiving five inches of snow last night).  Traction aids like microspikes will probably be necessary.  Please monitor our website and social media for updates.  There is a greater than normal chance that this hike may be postponed or the route will be altered.

You must RSVP for this hike by emailing us at or by calling 207-808-2073.  Once we have a list of attendees (no more than 8) we will distribute information about meeting up, ridesharing, etc.

For those of you looking for a less strenuous hike, please see this post about a moderate hike taking place in the same area on the same day!

Old Speck Trip Report

View of the summit from the Eyebrow.
View of the summit from the Eyebrow.

On a recent Saturday, the land trust spent the day in Grafton Notch State Park as part of our Maine Hikes guided Appalachian Trail hike program.  The A.T. follows the Mahoosuc Range from the New Hampshire border for approximately twenty miles before crossing the Baldpates and heading north to Bemis Mountain and beyond.

The view west into Mahoosuc Notch and the Presidential Range.
The view west into Mahoosuc Notch and the Presidential Range.

We had a group of ten set out on the A.T. – destination, Old Speck, the fifth highest mountain in Maine and the highest until the A.T. reaches Crocker Mountain.  It was a beautiful, clear day (as you can see from the photos) and the conditions were manageable.  Kimberley had hiked up Old Speck just a week before and she said that snowshoes weren’t needed, so everybody in the group of ten (and two dogs) slipped on their traction aids and we headed up at 8:30am.

Negotiating the icy trail.
Negotiating the icy trail.

Traction aids were definitely needed!  While the ground was bare at lower elevations, once we entered the woods there was ice on the trail.  Above about 2,500 feet, there was 1 to 2 feet of snow in the woods and there were long stretches of trail that were covered in frozen meltwater.  Fortunately, everybody helped out and the dogs were either carried or they went through the deep snow in the woods.  The sun was out and the winds were generally light, and everybody was hungry by the time we reached the summit at 1pm.  We spent about half an hour on top and a few people headed up the fire tower.

The group as seen from the fire tower.
The group as seen from the fire tower.

Three or four additional groups were there at the same time.  The conditions were so nice that one group unpacked a camp stove and made grilled cheese sandwiches!  Temperatures were in the 40’s and winds remained light.  Another guy set up a hammock between a tree and the fire tower leg.  Our group hit the trail at 1:30pm.

The ice was a bit more difficult going down but we took our time and helped each other out.  We made up time by descending quickly, as the temperatures were in the 50’s at lower elevations and much of the snow and ice on the trail had softened significantly.  Back at the cars at 4:30pm.  A great hike with even greater company!

Photo courtesy of Deb Carroll, who I didn't ask to use this photo but she won't mind...
Photo courtesy of Deb Carroll, who I didn’t ask to use this photo but she won’t mind…



Old Speck!

Summit of Old Speck..way up there.
Summit of Old Speck..way up there.

The land trust has decided on our next hike…Old Speck in Grafton Notch.  This challenging yet awesome hike will run via the Appalachian Trail for a total roundtrip hike of 7.6 miles.  The summit elevation is 4,170 feet – the fifth highest summit in Maine and the highest in the Mahoosucs/Grafton Notch area.  Despite the warm winter and foretasted warm conditions for next week, we are expecting deep snow at higher elevations and icy spots throughout – snowshoes and traction aids for the ice are a necessity.

The date of the hike will be Saturday, March 12th at 8am.  We will meet in the Grafton Notch parking lot on the west side of Route 26 where the A.T. crosses the road.  You must RSVP for this hike by emailing us at, calling 207-808-2073, or by RSVPing to the Facebook event listing.

Here are some additional resources:

Maine Trail Finder

Grafton Notch State Park Map

Get in touch and come along!

LMF Board Approves Maine A.T. Land Trust as Co-Easement Holder

File photo of a Land For Maine's Future Board Meeting.
File photo of a Land For Maine’s Future Board Meeting.

At the most recent LMF board meeting, the members voted unanimously to approve the Redington Forest project structure that has been in place for the past year:  the U.S. Navy / Department of Defense will co-hold the easement with the Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust, who will have stewardship responsibilities.

With this approval from the LMF board, we have surmounted a major hurdle on the road to getting the Redington Forest property conserved.  It is a little like taking a certification test – while there was never any doubt that LMF would approve, it is still something the land trust had to prepare for and be involved in to ensure that there were no issues.  We are glad to be able to proceed with the project and get it closed in the next half-year or so.  As we move towards the summer, we will have further updates on Redington.

Caribou Mountain Trip Report

Heading out.
Typical trailhead preparations. One would think that this was a normal group of hikers.
…what are these strange forms of communication.
What TV show?
It was actually warmer on the ground in the snow.
Perfectly symmetrical snow angel.
Some people express joy at getting down the mountain in different ways.

By Deborah Carroll

In spite of warnings from friends and family regarding forecasted cold temperatures, a decision was made to move forward with our hike up Caribou Mountain the day prior to our trip.  The understanding however, was that if the weather did in fact prove to be too cold, even a mile into hike, the group would turn back.

Dressed in multiple layers of our favorite hiking duds, our happy herd of hearty hikers met at the trailhead at 9:00 in the morning on Saturday, February 13.  Though the temperatures were indeed hovering in single digits, the sun was shining, spirits were high, and we were all well equipped for a day of wandering in snowy woods.

Given the lack of significant snowfall, decisions were made to leave the snowshoes in the car and make the trek using just microspikes.  A decision that, except for a few very short sections where blowing snow had filled in previously shallow or packed areas of the trail, proved good.

Unlike a previous hike, we were able to park at the gate located about a half mile up the road past Pooh Corner Farm.  Our hike began with a relatively flat and short walk along a forest service road before the trail veered to the right and into a forest of mixed evergreen and birch, and our group fell quickly into a really nice pace.

After a mile or so of multiple, mostly frozen, stream crossings, and a few brief pauses to layer down, we began a mostly gradual ascent which took us to the “Caribou Speckled Mtn. Wilderness, WMNF” sign and, a little further on, to a trail junction in the Caribou-Gammon col where the trail turns sharply left and the final push to the summit begins.

Though the temperatures continued to hover in single digits, as per the thermometer dangling from one pack, the sun and lack of wind (combined with exertion and being well prepared) made for warm wanderings.  Still, we paused a few hundred yards from the summit to put on warmer layers.

As one member of our party put it: “Walking onto the summit was like getting sand blasted with tiny ice particles.”  Though we didn’t check the thermometer, the temperature at the summit dropped drastically and the gusts of winds whipped us about.  Needless to say, after snapping a few quick group selfies that left us with frigid fingers and USGS marker group boot photos (a tradition with members of this group) we headed back down to the quiet stillness of the col to eat our lunch, make snow angels, and do a headstand (another tradition).

After the wildly windy and super chilled summit, the walk out of the woods felt positively balmy and, as we did on the way up, we stopped a few times to admire ice flows and vistas, chat, and play at pretzel tree.

No trip up the north side of Caribou would be complete without a post-hike visit to Carol in her flower and gift shop at Pooh Corner Farm, and so we did before saying goodbye to the old and new friends who had shared a cold, snowy, and memorable “Great Maine Outdoor Weekend” adventure.

Great Maine Outdoor Weekend Caribou Mountain Snowshoe Hike

The view from Caribou.
The view from Caribou.

Our next hike will be for the Great Maine Outdoor Weekend on Saturday, February 13th at 9am.  We will be heading up Caribou Mountain in the White Mountain National Forest.  While the mountain is not directly on the Appalachian Trail it is on Forest Service land (like much of the A.T. landscape to the south) and there are great views of areas where the trail passes to the west and north.  Plus it is one of our favorite snowshoe trips!

General directions to the trailhead can be found here, on the White Mountain National Forest website, and here’s the link to the map.  We will be taking the Caribou Trail from the east trailhead, which is 2.8 miles down Bog Road off Route 2 in West Bethel.  Many guidebooks only describe this trail from the Route 113 side in Evans Notch, so be careful!  The hike is relatively moderate for most of its length and the distance to the summit is 3.1 miles.  We will meet in front of Pooh Corner Farm where a few parking spaces have been plowed.  There will be an update on trail conditions later this week, but as of yesterday some kind of traction aid like stabilicers or microspikes seemed to be best for getting to the top.

Feel free to contact us at or 207-808-2073 if you have any questions.  You must RSVP for this hike!  When entering a Forest Service wilderness area, the limit per group is ten people.

Here is the full listing:  Great Maine Outdoor Weekend Caribou Mountain Snowshoe Trip